Verified Business Buyer Program

Free Register

How to be a Verified Buyer?

Verified Business Buyer Program helps buyers to build trust profile by verifying their business identity with Persistent Infotech.
A large number of sellers prefer such buyers with faster response.

  • Mobile Number
  • Company Name
  • Email Id
  • GST

Benefits for Verified Business Buyers

Verified Business Buyer Program helps buyers to build trust profile by verifying their business identity with Persistent Infotech.

Trust Profile

Preferred by sellers

Verification Status Display

Easier recognition by sellers

Preferential Seller Selection

Better pricing responses by sellers

Access to Advance Tools

  • Customized requirement submission

  • Easy repeat requirement submission

  • Bill of material submission

  • Auto approval of requirements

  • Vendor Management option

  • Option to hide contact details

Become Verified Business Buyer